作者: book8685 (安安) 看板: movie
標題: [新聞] 歐吉桑果然夠力 奧斯卡收視率躍升
時間: Tue Feb 28 08:58:37 2012

2012/02/28 中廣報導




不知道艾迪墨菲主持的話 會怎樣

Oscars broadcast watched by 39.3M in US
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Billy Crystal hosting the 2012 Oscars (Reuters)

TUE, 28 FEB 2012 12:34P.M.
By David Bauder
The return of Billy Crystal helped boost viewership for the Academy Awards but
not enough to prevent a cultural oddity: The Oscars weren't even the
most-watched awards show on television this month.

The Nielsen Co estimated Monday that 39.3 million people watched the Oscars on
ABC Sunday night in the US, up from the 37.9 million viewers during the
much-panned 2011 show where James Franco and Anne Hathaway shared hosting

Crystal was called in after original host Eddie Murphy pulled out. It was the
ninth time Crystal has done that job and he delivered, despite worries that
best picture winner The Artist would not be much of an audience draw.

Nielsen said 39.9 million people watched the Grammy Awards on CBS on February
12. That huge audience was likely due to the popularity of big winner Adele and
curiosity about how Grammy producers would address the death of singer Whitney
Houston the day before the show.

It was only the second time since the two events were televised that the grammy
earned a bigger audience than the Oscars. After the Super Bowl, the Oscars are
frequently the second most-watched TV event of the year.

In 1984, when Michael Jackson was the big winner at the Grammys, the show had
51.7 million viewers. The Oscars that year, when Terms of Endearment won best
picture, had 42.1 million viewers, Nielsen said.

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book8685:有人可以提供nba allstar game的嗎 02/28 09:04
※ 編輯: book8685 來自: (02/28 09:12)
book8685:沒人推耶QQ 02/28 09:58
pptuser:不同世代 你也得找出夠強的人啊 02/28 10:24
pptuser:新世代的Seth Rogen/JB/Will Ferril/Paul Rudd/zach braff 02/28 10:26
pptuser:非喜劇演員的效果通常比較差 如去年和最差的萊特曼那屆 02/28 10:29
pptuser:wiki上的list of acedamy awards ceremonies 02/28 10:29
pptuser:絕大多數都是作品不錯的喜劇演員 02/28 10:30
dunking:薑還是老的辣...Billy Crystal有不少梗讓我笑到快不行XDDD 02/28 10:30
book8685:就是找不到人啦 其實比利76比較好看 02/28 10:33
book8685:像班史提勒和蒂娜費RDJ都有被找過 只是推掉了 02/28 10:35
ziwi:比利主持的再老梗都比去年好一百倍 02/28 11:00
gn02174082:去年Billy和Bob跨時空一起出現其實蠻感人的 02/28 11:16
Ithilloth:開場影片 02/28 11:20
ziwi:不過當然比不上他全盛時期的功力囉XD 02/28 11:24
ziwi:奧斯卡應該頒給比利一座最佳貢獻獎XD 02/28 11:25
book8685:我覺得強史都華06年拉倒小金人的笑話 不太好XD 02/28 11:26


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